Become a Wiggly T Advocate

At Wiggly T, we’re on a mission to bring comfort and ease to children battling cancer in hospitals across the UK.
To make this a reality, we need your help! We’re looking for enthusiastic mums, dads and caregivers who are willing to join us in spreading the word about Wiggly T shirts in hospitals.

Why we need you!

We consider all the family that we serve part of our Wiggly T family. If we have helped you and you have the capacity to help us spread our reach and grow we would love you to be Wiggly T Advocates. Your local hospital could be a key place where families can learn about the comfort and practical benefits of Wiggly T shirts. By getting hospitals to promote these specially designed T shirts, we can reach more children undergoing cancer treatment and provide them with a little extra comfort during their challenging journey.

Ways to advocate for Wiggly T

Feedback and Stories

Share your personal stories or feedback about how Wiggly T has helped your child. These real-life experiences can be powerful in convincing others of the benefits.

Tell us how your Wiggly T has worked out for you, we love ALL feedback so that we can improve on what we do. This really helps us explain to funders why we are needed too.

Please do tag us in your posts and follow us across our accounts. If you are brave enough to record a video or voice note view WhatsApp of how we have helped us this would also really help us in the future.

Stay in touch too – we love to hear how you are doing.
Feedback form

Connect Us

We would love to create strong links with every care facility across the UK to help us fund more Wiggly T shirts to every patient who needs one. Families suggest that 3 FREE Wiggly T shirts is the ideal number. Thats 1 to wear, 1 to wash and 1 for later in the next size up. We are forging links with hospital charities to help fund these but need to be referred by the local hospital team. Could you help link us to the right person to make the introduction? If you have contacts with a local business looking for a charitable partner to support please signpost them to us. If you know some one taking on a challenge and looking to raise to money while doing it please do suggest us.
Contact us

Share Our Mission

Please do tag us in your posts and follow us across our accounts. You could even talk to your friends, family employers, and local fundraisers. We often find that family and friends like to contribute to additional Wiggly T shirt for you if needed.

Use @wigglyt #wigglyt #accesstops on facebook and @thewigglyt #thewigglyt #accesstops on instragram
Connect on Socials

Distribute Flyers and Information

We can provide you with informational flyers and brochures about Wiggly T that you can distribute in your hospital. We also have posters to put up in hospital wards. These materials will help raise awareness among families and hospital staff. 

Your advocacy and support can make a huge difference in getting hospitals to recognise and promote Wiggly T-shirts. With your help, we can ensure that every child facing cancer treatment can do so with a bit more comfort and a lot more smiles.

What people say

We are based in Stroud, UK
Monday - Friday
09:00am - 14:30pm
© 2024 Wiggly T. All rights reserved.

Feedback form

If you have a few minutes to fill in the below form to help us expand and improve what we do, we would be really grateful. Let us know how you feel about the following statements.
Our Wiggly T was a good fit*
We have used our Wiggly T in an MRI
Ideally how many Wiggly T shirts would you want.*